Hayti Souveren Hayti Souveren Hayti Souveren Hayti Souveren 





Dedicated to Truth, Freedom Justice Equality Independence and ECONOMIC SOVEREIGNTY for the Indigenous Family worldwide.

The KOSÃHA-EYEHERU platform is committed to ensure that the work of Unification and Self-determination of the Righteous receives further exposure in providing corrections to where some may differ about the Time and What Must be Done to effectively bring to reality the complete Independence and ECONOMIC SOVEREIGNTY for the ORIGINAL ROYAL and RIGHTEOUS FAMILY of the Planet.

We Must have a thorough Knowledge of Self and our enemy. We Must engage in Meaningful Productive dialogue. WE MUST ACT to Regroup in Associations and Organizations with programs to lay the base for Social Infrastructures. 







These 9 Sectors for Social Development shared with us by the Honorable Minister Louis FARRAKHAN at the Million Man March in October 1995, We sincerely suggest that they should be the ambelic cord through which our Kingdoms, States, Associations and or Organizations connect and Trade essential Knowledge and Skills to produce a brand New Righteous World for Us, by Us.

We Must ACT today, to Establish local programs and institutions within these 9 Sectors however small and basic these programs may be. Without a thorough Knowledge of Self, the Indigenous Family have been asleep when it comes to the establishment of programs and institutions that would and could effectively challenge the rule of the enemy.

So therefore this platform is home to all who are on the Straight path to Freedom Independence and ECONOMIC SOVEREIGNTY. (EyeHery, VIZYON MUNAL, KOSÃHA, CARIFIKA, FSLTA, CEDSRA, CACI-6, KINGDOM of JUDAH in AMERICA, ORèM, FORENS) and all others who have not yet joined Us spiritually or physically.

This is the season to ACT, MANIFEST, SHOW and PROVE your Love for Self and Kind.