Hayti Souveren Hayti Souveren Hayti Souveren Hayti Souveren Hay

Agriculture the Motor for Development
We understand in order for us to have a Sovereign Hayti we must have a Civilized society that knows the value of land and is ready to cultivate it so that it will yield all its benefits allowing us to feed ourselves and trade with the extra.
Nou konprann ke poun ka gen yon Ayiti Souveren Nou dwe gen yon Sosyete ki Sivilize, ki konnen valè tè a, e ki prè poul travay li pou'l ka remèt tout benefits ki ladann yo, konsa nap ka bay tèt nou manje épi van'n ekstra yo.

Edikasyon pou la vi Edikasyon pou la vi Edikasyon pou la vi Edikasy
Education works hand in hand with Agriculture, helping our people to understand the science of Business is the best thing a friend can do. Even with our outdated agricultural tools farming is still the number one source of income for the majority of the Haytian families. */*/*/*/*/ Edikasyon mache men nan men avèk Agrikilti, pi bon bagay yon Zanmi te ka fè pou Nou se ede'n konprann syans Biznis paske menm avèk zouti demode Nou yo, Pwodiksyon Agrikòl rete pi gwo sous de revni pou anpil fanmi.

Our history is simple but yet complexe, even today in 2024 we are still highly uneducated yet free and unruly with an extremely rich soil. From the first Emperial assassination (Coup d'Etat) in October 1806 to the most recent done in the same fashion (July 2021) many would still have us looking towards an estranged religion and political platform for saviour. When in reality the proper guidance would have us looking inside of self and to take our responsibility to build our communities.
Istwa nou osi senp kel konpleks, menm jodia an 2024, Nou toujou pa edike e rebèl men jan Nèg Mawon avèk yon tè ki ekstrèmman rich. Depi premye asasinasyon Enperyal la rive sou sak te fèt dènyeman la nan menm fason an (Jiyè 2021) anpil moun vle fè nou kwè toujou ke se yon relijion ak yon politik etranje kap vin sove nou, tandis ke an reyalite yon bon gidans ap fè nou fè yon entwospeksyon epi pran responsabilite nou pou'n bati kominote Nou yo.
•°Agrikilti pa ka fèt san dlo°•

The best and fastest way to apply our Sovereignty and control over our lives and land is to channel our water sources and irrigate as much land as possible.
Fason ki pi bon e pi rapid poun aplike Souverènte Nou an sou Lavi ak tè Nou yo se kanalize sous dlo yo epi irige maksimòm tè posib.

Millions of Haytian Gourdes (HTG) are lost annually due the lack irrigation infrastructure. A minimum investment in these basic materials will quickly solve this problem.
(°Solar powered water pumps, Energy, PVC pipes, TARP, Hoses, Portable Reservoir°)
Chak ane nou pèdi dè milyon de Goud (HTG) paske nou pa gen infrastrikti adekwat nan sistèm irigasyon. Yon minimum envestisman nan materyèl de baz sa yo kapap rezoud pwoblèm sa rapidman.
{•Ponp a enèji sole, Pano sole, Tiyo PVC, Prela, Tiyo arozwa, Tank Dlo•}
Fratènite Amitye Patenarya
Brotherhood Friendship Partnership
In order for us to secure any investment made in KOSÃHA we must be involved in the re-education and resurrection of the citizens. Investments are not only managed by the Administrative Council but also the people who will cultivate the land, plant the crops and maintain the production until it reaches the local market. That's the Konbit. Our sole purpose is the success of us all. Our love for Hayti is manifested in our will and the responsibility we have taken to build our communities.
Poun ka sekirize envestisman ki fèt nan KOSÃHA yo, nou dwe met men nan re-Edikasyon e Rezireksyon Sitwayen yo. Se pa Konsèy Administrasyon sèlman non kap gere envestisman yo, Sitwayen yo tou ap pran responsabilite yo nan tout aspè kiltivasyon an jiskaske pwodwi yo rive nan makèt. Se sa ki KONBIT la. Sèl misyon nou se asire yon reyisit definitf pou nou tout, se konsa nou manifeste Lanmou Nou gen pou Ayiti.
Invest in Kosãha Envesti nan Kosãha invest in Kosãha Envesti nan
With over 20,000 Hectares of productive land, we remain confident and resolved that Brotherhood Friendship and Partnership will help us with the installment of irrigation infrastructure. In the context of Hayti's reality today, that is the most constructive strategy to adopt.
Lè nap gade reyalite Ayiti jodia, epi kapasite tè ke Nou genyen nan KOSÃHA (plis ke ven mil kawo), Nou rete detèmine e konfyan ke Fratènite Amitye ak Patenarya se pi bon strateji poun ka fè travay enstalasyon infrastrikti sistèm irigasyon Nou bezwen yo.

With the Collaboration of the SOVEREIGN Landowners, we are able to reach out to our Family and Friends worldwide for strategic Partnerships in economic development.
Avèk kolaborasyon Mèt tè yo, Nou kapab chèche rejwenn ak Fanmi ak Zanmi tout kote pou yon Patenarya stratejik nan devlopman ekonomik.
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About us
EyeHeru/Kosāha Hayti Halal E-commerce is dedicated to providing high-quality, halal-certified products to our customers. We believe in making everyday shopping convenient and accessible, which is why we offer a wide range of products, including electronics, clothing, toiletries, and groceries such as coffee, cocoa beans, black beans, plantains, corn, turmeric root, tomatoes, and various other fruits and vegetables. Our commitment to quality and customer satisfaction sets us apart as your trusted e-commerce partner. With our efficient delivery services, you can enjoy a seamless shopping experience from start to finish. Join us in redefining convenience and accessibility in e-commerce today.