About us
We are the Haytian Associations’ Sovereign Alliance, KOSĀHA. The Administrative Council of the Affairs of the Eternal Empire AYITI (EAA), the voice of hundreds of Sovereign Landowners unable to express and apply themselves to build a better future for self and their children.
Our Aim is to educate the Haytian citizens to take their responsibility in unity to change their life conditions and as well to connect them with Family and Friends for support and guidance.
Our sectors of development are Agriculture, Arts & Culture, Defense, Education, Health, Information, Justice, Science & Technology, Trade & Commerce.
We have determined that our People must live a better tomorrow and for that to happen we must have a Haytian society that is willing to stop the flow of unregulated and most times unnecessary charity that has and is still destroying the creativity and work capacity of our population. Therefore, as a SOVEREIGN Nation we have taken our Responsibility to stand and engage in meaningful Productive dialogue and work to ensure our place at the table with the Best and Righteous of the Civilized World.
Brotherhood, Friendship and Partnership, a full cooperation in trade and commerce is our ultimate goal.
Kamal Frantz Muhammad ____________________
Sovereign National Representative KOSÃHA
Our sectors of development are : Agriculture, Arts & Culture, Defense, Education, Health, Information, Justice, Science & Technology, Trade & Commerce.
We Own within the 10 provinces Hayti, over 100 thousand Hectares of productive land at our disposal, the KOSĀHA seeks Economic Partnerships to engage in productivity of various crops for the local and international markets.
CREATING BY-PRODUCTS ( KASAVA, POWDERED CACAO, GROUND COFFEE etc...) FROM THE RAW MATERIALS. Investing in food transformation will allow most of our products to be exported. We must explore and exploit these avenues which will empower the families to re-engage in mass production.
We are resolute in our pursuit of solutions to the socioeconomic challenges that affect our communities, from Hayti and its neighboring regions to the Mother Continent of Africa and beyond. We believe that without truth, there can be no justice; without justice, there can be no peace.
Therefore, let us come together with vigilance and determination to engage in meaningful dialogue on these critical issues. By dedicating the necessary time and care to these discussions and issues, we can pave the way for a just and peaceful transformation of our societies.
Despite what the world is hearing and seeing in regards to Hayti's Social-Economic and moral conditions, we aspire to be side by side with the best of the Civilized World so therefore we look to Truthfully correct our current reality and this is the force behind our search for Strong and Sincere Brotherhood Friendship and Partnership (FAP)
Our People are not interested in too much narrative, so much has been said and so little have been accomplished, we will simply win their hearts with actual facts and serious work implementations and with the Forum of Sovereigns and Traditional Leaders of Africa (FSLTA), the Economic Community of the Diaspora Sixth Region of Africa (CEDSRA), we will combine our Territories and resources for greater ECONOMIC SOVEREIGNTY.
•`~•`~What Do We Want~`•~`•
The SOVEREIGN ALLIANCE OF THE HAYTIAN ASSOCIATIONS (KOSĀHA) are the Sovereign Landowners of the Eternal Empire AYITI (EAA), we have been at war with those of our People who were mentally weakened by the effects of our 300 year slave experience under the rule of the French and Spanish powers. These lost souls within our People perceived that it would be better for us to remain slaves and not seek True Justice, Freedom, Independence and ECONOMIC SOVEREIGNTY.
One year after the Declaration of Independence in 1805 which gave us Our Imperial Constitution the Black Red Flag, Our EMPEROR JEAN-JACQUES DESSALINES was assassinated in a desperate attempt to reverse what Allah, the Ancestors, the Universe has ordered.
520 years later-in 2024, We the Children of the EAA want it to be known, the fact :
We have experienced nothing but death and destruction from the current leaders who have ruled under the ideology of Demos-Krati with the help and support of the children of the slave masters. We have reclaimed and are reaffirming our stance and march towards the future in full SOVEREIGNTY and clear conscious of what Must be done for Self Governance-intructions within our Imperial Constitution and Black Red Flag.
We do not need empty words or false promises from this current government establishment who have shown that they are on a strict course of handing over the People of the Empire to the Colonial powers for slaughter. The KOSĀHA Members, The SOVEREIGN Landowners ARE now.
Brotherhood, Friendship and Partnership, a full cooperation in trade and commerce is our ultimate goal.